It’s time to break out the Halloween decorations and stock up on candy! The spooky holiday is just around the corner so why not go all-out? This year, make your house the spookiest on the block!

Do you have your costume picked out yet? Will you be scary or silly? Will you make a statement or opt for something a little more conventional? There are lots of good ideas out there. Get creative and have a little fun! And while you contemplate the perfect costume and decoration ideas, be sure to check out the many great things to do this weekend in and around Bellingham—Oct. 20—22. Don’t forget to check our full events calendar for all the great local happenings.

Up Next Weekend:

WhatcomTalk aims to be your source for positive information and events happening in Bellingham, Ferndale, Lynden and throughout Whatcom County. If you have a suggestion for a post, send us a note at submit@whatcomtalk.com. For more events and to learn what’s happening in Bellingham and the surrounding area, visit our events calendar. To submit an event of your own, visit our events calendar and click on the green “Post Your Event” button.