Staying connected has become everyone’s goal. We live here too, and are inspired by the stories we’re sharing about the ways you are supporting one another—even while challenged to be apart.
We connect our community online, so we thought we could help by offering you and your organization some tips and tools to stay in “virtual” contact.
Staying connected now means more writing, publishing, sharing, and making sure those folks you support can find you. We’ll send an email each week with an idea for ways to reach out and connect. Stay safe! —The WhatcomTalk Team
P.S. Last week we talked about press releases; you’ll find that here.
Social Media Is More Than Just Posts—Use Their Tools to Connect
Social media such as Facebook is so widely and commonly used that many of us just assume we should just know how to use it.
The truth is, for businesses especially, Facebook is a very complex world and training helps. Right now is a great moment to prioritize a few goals for connecting and learn how to achieve them, no matter where you are on the spectrum of social platform expertise.
Here are some things you can do for free, right now, that are covered below:
1. Make a Facebook Page
2. Add extra features and automated communications
3. Post, post, post
4. Deepen your knowledge with fast tutorials
Make a Facebook Page

People are finding each other on social media, and they should be able to find you too. Facebook is by far the largest platform, so you can connect with the biggest number of your customers there.
Your Facebook page is like downtown real estate in your customers’ personal town they’ve created. And it is free.
Right now, it serves as a handy container for all your updates in services, hours, or procedures.

Add Extra Features
You will quickly see there are a lot of choices and things you can do with your page. For this period where connectivity is key—here are two to prioritize:

Post, Post, Post
Now that you have a container where your posts will all live in a nice neat row, reach out. Whether or not your post is super popular isn’t as important right now as just being there when people look for you. So, every day, reply to messages, update your services, and say hello in a post. You can build on that, but those are the basics that matter.
Deepen Your Knowledge With Tutorials
Here’s an amazing tip: Facebook actually has a robust Help Center.

Here are two pages aimed at helping businesses stay connected where you can quickly learn:
1. Facebook’s idea page for staying connected during disruption.
2. Facebook’s quick courses on supporting your business with Facebook and Instagram. How-tos with a bent toward success.
We Can Help You Stay Connected, Too!
Send press releases to submit@whatcomtalk.com, we will happily consider publishing.
Post for free on our Business Info Hub & Calendar tool to share your COVID-related updates on essential services.
Subscribe to our Trending Stories emails to read inspiring stories about your community.
Reach out to our Business Development & Storytelling Pro, you may not have budget to advertise, but we want to hear how you’re doing and are happy to chat about your short- and long-term strategies.
Follow our Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram feeds.
Want to advertise with us?
Reach out here, or email amy.g@whatcomtalk.com.