Happy Dog Appreciation Day Whatcom County! This Sunday, take a minute to snuggle up with your furry friend. And Saturday happens to be “Kiss and Make Up Day” – a great opportunity to mend any broken bridges. In between, there are plenty of fun things to do. Here are a few ideas of what to do in and around Bellingham August 24—26. And don’t forget to check out our full events calendar for all the fun happenings in Whatcom County.

Up Next Weekend

WhatcomTalk aims to be your source for positive information and events happening in Bellingham, Ferndale, Lynden and throughout Whatcom County. If you have a suggestion for a post, send us a note at submit@whatcomtalk.com. For more events and to learn what’s happening in Bellingham and the surrounding area, visit our events calendar. To submit an event of your own, visit our events calendar and click on the green “Post Your Event” button.