Submitted by Ragfinery
Ragfinery is sponsoring a second Upcycle Challenge which will culminate in a Red Carpet “Show-off” on Friday, May 1, at 7:00 p.m. Individuals and teams who take on this challenge will be tasked with upcycling an old wedding dress into creative accessories, clothing, or anything else they can dream up. Participants will have the opportunity to share their creations at the event’s “Show-off,” where they can wear it, roll it, or drag it down the red carpet. Music, refreshments and plenty of entertainment will be provided as a panel of judges determine the winners. The top three submissions will receive cash or gift prizes and local celebrity status.
“Our motivation for this series of events is four-fold,” says Shan Sparling, manager at Ragfinery, “Inspire people to create new ways of upcycling garments; bring attention to reducing textiles in the waste stream; bring people into Ragfinery to see what we do; and last but not least, create community excitement and fun.”
Individuals interested in participating can sign up online ( or at Ragfinery (1421 N. Forest Street, Bellingham). Entry fee is $20 which includes a wedding dress of your choice. Deadline for submission is Friday, April 24, at 5:00 p.m.
Ragfinery is a Bellingham nonprofit organization that diverts unwanted textiles from the waste stream and upcycles them in a training business that provides transitional jobs for low income clients of our partner social service agencies and schools. We collaborate with local artisans and community volunteers to repurpose unwanted garments and textiles into a variety of upcycled goods that showcase the skills and talent of our collective.