Submitted by Unity Care NW

For over 50+ years, Federally Qualified Community Health Centers, like local nonprofit Unity Care NW, have been providing integrated health care for vulnerable and underserved communities, reducing barriers, and offering high-quality care at lower costs. All of these efforts result in saving billions of dollars for taxpayers every year by addressing health issues before they become costly burdens and providing savings to Medicaid and Medicare, as well as reducing stress on the overall health system.

Unity Care NW
The patients served by Unity Care NW health centers are from all walks of life, and a majority are living at or below the federal poverty level — meaning they live off less than $15,060 a year. Unity Care NW provides comprehensive and cost-effective care options for the most underserved communities in Whatcom County. Donations help make this possible.

The team at Unity Care NW (UCNW) works both in and outside the exam room to provide whole-person care to patients. The result is a better overall experience that takes into account the social and economic factors that can lead to setbacks to patients living their healthiest lives.

Unity Care NW, with sites in Bellingham and Ferndale, has a variety of services that support patients along their journey because, sometimes, pursuing health goals can feel like a game of chutes and ladders. The resources a person has access to often determine how well they can recover from setbacks when trying to get and stay healthy. They have created a dynamic short video to show this journey and how the positive effects ripple out to strengthen our entire community.

Join patient Alex on her path to living her healthiest life with help from Unity Care NW. And you can help support Alex, too! Donations to Unity Care NW help to support programs and services and cover costs for patients who would not be able to afford care. Make your gift today!
