5105 Helweg Rd
WA 98230
Celebrate the lowest tide of the year at Whatcom Co.’s best naturalist beach. We will approach the Point from the Birch Bay side, about 3 miles of beach walking, return total. Rubber boots, field guide, snacks, water, hand-lens, hand towel; all recommended; and ANTICIPATE MUCH COOLER, BREEZY, conditions than in your garden. All knowledge levels and backgrounds are welcome. An algae list is provided, and bring whatever field guide you may own and like. If buying or updating, I suggest Druehl, Louis D. and Bridgette E. Clarkston, 2016, Pacific Seaweeds and/or Sept, Duane J., 2019, The New Beachcomber’s Guide to the Pacific Northwest. Meet at S.W. corner of Birch Bay State Park (boat ramp) and last toilet facility at 9:00 AM; Discover Pass required for parking there. Bob Lemon and Glen “Alex” Alexander will lead up to 10 interested participants. Pre-registration is required. Contact Bob at lemprev@alphahunt.com to register or with any questions. Email is preferred but Bob can also be reached by phone at (360) 714-8629. More information will be supplied via email to registrants.
Limit 10, preregister with field trip leader.