Heather Meadows Wildflowers and Bumble Bees

06/27/2024 @ 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Heather Meadows Visitor Center
Milepost 56 Mount Baker Highway
Deming WA
Koma Kulshan Chapter of the Washington Native Plant Society
Heather Meadows Wildflowers and Bumble Bees @ Heather Meadows Visitor Center

Koma Kulshan Chapter of the Washington Native Plant Society Field Trip

Location: After pre-registering with Jim Davis (jimdavisscs [at] gmail [dot] com), meet at 10:00 AM at the Visitor’s Center parking lot in Heather Meadows near the Mt Baker Ski Area.

Volunteers from the WNPS Koma Kulshan Chapter monitored wild flower phenology (when plants bloom) and bumble bee foraging from spring snow melt to first snowfall for five years in Heather Meadows. This hike will visit some of the areas that were monitored to see subalpine wild flowers at their peak and learn about how native plants and bumble bees interact to assure pollination and the profusion of wildflowers at Heather Meadows. We will start the hike at the Visitor’s Center parking lot and tour three of the transects we monitored at that elevation. If snow cover allows, we will then drive to the Artist’s Point parking lot and visit two additional transects at higher elevations. This will be about a three mile hike with about 300 ft elevation gain. There will be an option of walking up the Wild Goose Trail from the Visitor’s Center to the Artist’s Point parking lot (add about 1.6 miles and 500 ft elevation gain to the hike). Bring warm clothes (late June can be pretty chilly at Heather Meadows), sun protection, lunch, and adequate water. Trip limit: 12 people. Register with Jim Davis at jimdavisscs [at] gmail [dot] com.

Limit 12, preregister with field trip leader