Submitted by: Whatcom County Health Department and PeaceHealth

On Thursday, March 19, the Whatcom County Health Department confirmed the first Whatcom County death of a patient who tested positive for novel coronavirus (COVID-19). The patient was being treated in isolation at PeaceHealth St. Joseph Medical Center.

“Our sympathies go to his family and friends.” said Greg Stern, Whatcom County Health Officer. “It is deeply saddening to lose a member of our community in this way.”

PeaceHealth also sends its deepest condolences to the patient’s family and friends.

PeaceHealth confirmed that proper respiratory precautions were used by caregivers during his admission. It is expected that there will be more cases in Whatcom County, and PeaceHealth continues to take all appropriate measures to protect patients, caregivers and the community.

The Whatcom County Health Department is working to identify all those who may have come in contact with the confirmed case. Close contacts may include family members, co-workers, emergency responders and others. These people will be closely monitored for symptoms to avoid further spread of this virus.

While most cases of COVID-19 are mild to moderate, approximately 15% of people infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 will have serious illness. It is vitally important that people are taking steps to protect our family members, friends and neighbors from this infection. Everyone should stay home as much as possible and limit their exposure to others. If you are at risk for severe disease, it is especially important to take the necessary steps to limit potential exposure. Vulnerable individuals should stay home as much as possible.

For more information on novel coronavirus

This is an emerging outbreak with rapidly evolving information. Updates will be made as new information is available on the Whatcom County Health Department website and the Washington State coronavirus website.

Questions for WCHD can also be emailed to covid@co.whatcom.wa.us