Are you ready for the weekend, Whatcom County? We sure are! Peruse our list of fun activities and events happening in and around Bellingham January 17-19, and then plan accordingly. Access our full events calendar here.
- Love board games? Register for CascadeCon, taking place Friday through Monday at the Bellingham Cruise Terminal.
- Enjoy the sounds of internationally renowned a cappella ensemble Sweet Honey in the Rock.
- If you’re living with a disability or mobility challenges, you might want to try an Adaptive Yoga class.
- Don’t miss the closing weekend of BAAY’s Beauty and the Beast.
- Hear author Irene Skyriver read from her award-winning book Paddling With Spirits: A Solo Kayak Journey, presented by WhatcomREADS.
- Get hands-on experience and learn about making herbal aids to boost your immune system with a winter herbal tonics class.
- Bring your storytime-loving littles to Fairhaven Family Story Night with the Bellingham Storyteller’s Guild at the Fairhaven Library.
- The Jansen Art Center is proud to present Chrisen Mattix’s exhibit, Kaleidoscopic, as well as Trish Harding’s Separated From Normal.
- Take in the sounds of Havilah at Thousand Acre Cider House, as well as a grilled oyster pop-up courtesy of Paellaworks.
- Attend the 22nd annual Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Human Rights Conference.
- Escape to romantic, post-war Paris with a production of An American in Paris at the Mount Baker Theatre.
- Fun for ages 8 to 80, WhatcomREADS offers a Camera UnObscura Workshop exploring early photographic technology similar to that used by Eowyn Ivey in her book, To The Bright Edge of the World. Participants will build their own camera obscura.
WhatcomTalk strives to be your source for positive information and events happening in Bellingham, Ferndale, Lynden and throughout Whatcom County. If you have a suggestion for a post, send us a note at For more events and to learn what’s happening in Bellingham and the surrounding area, visit our events calendar. To submit an event of your own, visit our events calendar and click on the green “Post Your Event” button.
Featured photo by Tracy Anderson