State Association to Honor WCC Student Jodi Borrelli as ‘Transforming Lives Award’ Nominee


Submitted by: Whatcom Community College

Whatcom Community College student Jodi Borrelli has been nominated for the 2019 Transforming Lives Award sponsored by the Washington State Association of College Trustees (ACT).

Jodi Borrelli. Photo courtesy: Whatcom Community College

Jodi came to Whatcom after battling a drug addiction and serving time in jail. Getting connected with WCC’s Basic Food and Employment & Training (BFET) program set her on the right path for her career and the rest of her life. BFET provided Jodi with financial support, helped her develop academic and career plans, and showed her it was ok to ask for help.

“I look forward to watching Jodi graduate,” said Jennifer Enger, WCC’s I-CATCH (Innovations in Creating Access to Careers in Healthcare) program coordinator, who assisted Jodi in her academic journey. “She is a go-getter who is not going to let anything stand in her way of helping others in her community.”

Now, Jodi is part of WCC’s substance use disorder professional program, and is looking forward to helping other women recover, heal, and get their lives back on track. “I’m not the same person I was in my addiction,” said Jodi. “Today my children call me. They tell me they love me and are proud of me. I have been given a second chance at life.”

ACT created the Transforming Lives Awards in 2012 to recognize current or former students with compelling stories of determination and success in the pursuit of higher education. Each of Washington’s 34 community and technical colleges nominate individuals for the prestigious award. Jodi, along with the other nominees, will be honored at a ceremony in Olympia next month.

“If I could share one piece of advice with another student, it would be to find your motivation and take action,” said Jodi.