It’s a bit ironic that nobody could use a world-class spa treatment right now more than Sandy Sallee. After all, she’s the spa director at the Chrysalis Inn & Spa. But when she went on her first solo backpacking trip of the year, things took a bad turn, and she found herself in need of some healing and rejuvenation of her own.

With the introduction of online booking it has never been easier to book a treatment session at The Chrysalis Inn & Spa. Photo courtesy: Chrysalis Inn & Spa.

While trekking through the Chuckanut Wilderness on a cool May evening, Sandy’s foot caught on an embankment, rolling and fracturing her fibula. She was four miles away from her car. Alone and in pain, Sandy needed to get back to her vehicle to get help. A seasoned backpacker of 15 years, Sandy had never been in this situation, but she knew what she had to do – hike back four miles on a broken bone. She was able to complete the descent to her car and, eventually, to the hospital where she received x-rays confirming the broken bone.

Fast-forward a few days, and Sandy is now in the rehabilitation stages of her leg treatment. But she isn’t completely taking it easy. Sandy’s still working, helping Chrysalis Inn & Spa guests find rejuvenation and restorative relaxation methods at the beautiful location nestled on Bellingham Bay.

“Our spa is unique in that we are completely locally owned,” Sandy says. “Our location and our hardworking staff combine to provide guests with a certain healing energy that gets them feeling their best.”

The Chrysalis Inn & Spa is both professional and down-to-Earth. You can expect first-rate service, but the atmosphere isn’t stuffy or stuck-up. Here, you can unwind and have all your needs met.

Guests undergo hydrating manicure and pedicure treatments at The Chrysalis Inn & Spa’s nail room. Photo courtesy: Chrysalis Inn & Spa.

And now it’s easier than ever to successfully secure a reservation at the Chrysalis. Their new online booking system lets you book your spa treatments with just a few simple clicks. “Our new online booking system is really easy to use,” Sandy says. “This way, if you’re unable to reach a staff member by phone, you can schedule your time with us on your computer or mobile device.”

Sandy says there’s nothing quite like receiving comment cards from satisfied guests. Spa clients can leave comment cards for their specific massage therapist or the greater spa staff as a whole. For Sandy, it’s even more memorable when first-time customers leave satisfactory reviews.

Things don’t always go as expected. Sandy recalls a time when a guest came in for a facial treatment and immediately called back, very upset, because her ring was missing. The staff at the Chrysalis worked to set things right.

Sandy and her team searched the entire spa as well as the parking lot to find the ring. Erin, the guest’s esthetician, even took apart their vacuum cleaner to see if the ring was hiding inside.

The Relaxation Room at The Chrysalis Inn & Spa is the perfect spot to unwind before your spa treatment beings. Photo courtesy: Chrysalis Inn & Spa.

Fortunately, the guest called back later that day because she found her ring – it wasn’t at the spa at all. She was very appreciative of the extra effort the staff put in. “We’ve had people lose jewelry in the spa before, due to it going into our laundry,” Sandy says. “We’ve even taken apart the plumbing to find jewelry. We switched to robes without pockets and that’s helped.”

For Sandy, the best part of working at the Chrysalis is the people – the staff she gets to work with on a daily basis and the guests that make their job worthwhile. There’s a nurturing and positive energy at the Chrysalis, making each day on the job a fun and relaxed experience. Soon she may just book a restorative treatment of her own.

You can easily schedule your own spa treatments using their online booking system. Arrive to your appointment early and take advantage of their steam room, showers and relaxation lounge accompanied by views of pristine ponds and tranquil waterfalls.

The Chrysalis Inn & Spa
804 10th St.


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