You have felt Sara Holodnick’s creative spirit at work in Bellingham and beyond, knowingly or otherwise. She’s a proud introvert. Local history buff. Community creator. Pie maker. She is a strong, quiet, and affirming soul with an unique outlook.

Sara’s tarot cards are simple and elegant. Photo credit: Campfire Photography.

Sara was raised alongside her two sisters by her single mom, Patrice. A former AmeriCorps volunteer, Sara is the co-founder of The Good Time Girls (Marissa McGrath, of the Downtown Bellingham Partnership, is her business partner). The Good Time Girls is a seasonal touring company of sorts with a historical twist. Their Fairhaven and Old Town summer Sin and Gin tours are legendary, memorable and popular with tourists and locals alike. Gore and Lore tours, held every weekend in October are officially sold out.

Sara is also a freelance writer, a cocktail aficionado, creator, and consultant. She has some serious bartending skills, incorporating everything from homemade lilac syrup to pickled beets into her concoctions. OK, maybe not pickled beets. But her last name in Ukrainian really does translate to “Cold Man” or chilled beet soup.

Her favorite food? Artichokes. Color? Black. Current cocktail obsession? The Gibson – Gin (locally made, of course) and vermouth with a baby onion garnish.

Sara has used her own poetry in creating this unique project. Photo credit: Campfire Photography.

Sara is busy. But on her own terms. A true Girl Boss and mistress of her time and many talents. She likes to spend time with her dogs, Truman and Cooper, both named after Twin Peaks characters of course. She doesn’t mind human companionship either and travels whenever possible. After shuttering the Good Time Girls retail store and headquarters, otherwise known as The Bureau of Historical Investigation, on Holly Street last November, Sara landed on her feet.

She enjoys the occasional good television series (The Gilmore Girls for one), good cocktail, good project and sometimes in combination. She hosts events from time to time at local bars but can also be known for a productive brain storming session.

Always interested in numbers, words, tarot cards and three dimensional work, Sara found her creative self and got to work. She is now an aspiring assemblage artist with a show that will run through the end of November at Honey Salon (310 West Holly in Old Town, Bellingham). Her altars are eye catching with a nod to Mother Nature. In addition, her Sweet Nothing multimedia show features a mindfully made, unique Oracle Card Deck with carefully chosen words and phrases. The Decks will be for sale to the public, printed locally by Lithex and can be used in a variety of ways.

Sara is a cocktail master. Photo credit: Katheryn Moran.

With a Kickstarter campaign already in process, Sara’s Sweet Nothing project is actually quite something. As a whole, it’s a soulful and significant offering of poems, reflective oracle cards and down to earth altars. And The Oracle Deck is off to a great start on its own, already 13 percent funded as of mid-October.

Sara is a gifted artist with a great future.

Sara Holodnick’s plate might be full but it is indeed balanced. At 35, Sara is her authentic self, a true Bellingham believer, collaborator, creator and multi-talented multi-tasker. Her indie, creative soul has enhanced our area for the better and continues to benefit us all.

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