Submitted by Unity Care NW

In honor of heart health month, this February Unity Care NW launched a pilot program for patients called Tracking for Better Health. The program provided Fitbits to a group of patients who would otherwise not be able to afford them. Patients will be linked with Unity Care NW medical providers and a Dietitian to help them assess the data about themselves to increase their health.

Unity Care NW has more than 6,000 patients with health conditions like Type 2 Diabetes and Hypertension, which have been shown to improve with diet, exercise, and increasing healthy habits. But building new habits, learning how to nourish the body with food, and getting daily movement can be difficult and this program will help reduce barriers to patients’ living their healthiest lives.

Tracking for Better Health will help patients take control of painful and debilitating health conditions. “Our goal is to give our patients their life back and provide the tools they need to harness the power of their daily choices.” Says Antrim Caskey, Unity Care NW Dietitian.

The program is made possible by a generous donation of Fitbits from RecycleHealth. This organization collects donated fit trackers and provides them to nonprofits and groups working with people who benefit from their use but who would not normally be able to afford one. They have collected over 5,000 trackers over the past four years and believe in bringing health and fitness to all.

The Fitbits will track participating patients’ steps, food consumption, sleep quality, and time outdoors. Patient health indicators that will be tracked include weight, blood sugar level, and blood pressure. In a small test of this program, 4 Fitbits were provided to patients who were struggling with their health conditions but were unable to afford a fit tracker. The results were impressive. One participant found out that their struggle with health was related to not getting enough sleep. The fit tracker shed some light on their overall lack of quality sleep. Another patient found that getting outside for daily walks not only improved physical health but also helped with their depression.

Unity Care NW is a local, non-profit health care center that makes sure everyone in our community has access to care by providing high-quality, affordable, primary, medical, dental, behavioral health, pharmacy services, and innovative programs to ensure wrap-around whole person care. Each year Unity Care NW serves 1 in 10 Whatcom County residents, approximately 21,000 people.

Featured photo courtesy Unity Care NW