Submitted by PeaceHealth

With the safety of its patients and caregivers as its top priority, and due to an increase in local COVID-19 cases, PeaceHealth St. Joseph Medical Center has changed its visitation policy. Until the Whatcom County rate of new COVID-19 cases drops below a CDC-recommended threshold, no visitors are allowed in the medical center with few exceptions—for example, labor and delivery, end-of-life and pediatric patients. Family/partner participation using video chat technology is welcomed and encouraged.

PeaceHealth Medical Group clinics in Whatcom County are also restricting entry for non-patients. Support person exceptions will be made for patients requiring assistance, as well as pediatric and OB-GYN patient visits.

PeaceHealth recognizes that these restrictions are challenging for everyone touched by medical care and appreciates community cooperation as we work together to reduce the spread of COVID-19.  To continue to actively reduce local transmission rates, vaccination against COVID-19 is easily available in clinics and pharmacies across Whatcom County. Appointments may be found online at vaccines.gov. The community can also help by continuing to mask and social distance.

For details on visitor restrictions and exceptions, please visit peacehealth.org/coronavirus/Bellingham#visitors.