Submitted by Whatcom Transportation Authority

Whatcom Transportation Authority (WTA) recently received its twenty-third consecutive audit with no findings from the Washington State Auditor’s Office.

A Washington State review team conducted its annual audit and verified WTA’s compliance with federal, state and agency financial policies.  Upon completion, they issued an opinion regarding how accurately WTA’s financial statements represent the agency’s actual financial condition.  According to the report, Authority operations complied with applicable requirements and provided adequate safeguarding of public resources, and WTA’s financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the agency.

WTA General Manager Pete Stark said, “Our 23 consecutive years of audits without findings reflect WTA’s ongoing commitment to excellence in financial management, and to stewardship of taxpayer dollars. This accomplishment speaks to the culture of our entire team.”

The State Auditor’s Office independently serves the citizens of Washington by promoting accountability, fiscal integrity and openness in state and local government.  Working with these governments, the State Auditor’s Office strives to ensure the proper use of public resources.

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