Submitted by Bellingham Wedding and event Rentals
Spring is typically the beginning of peak wedding season in the Pacific Northwest. Countless couples have their invitations sent out, venues booked, wedding dresses ordered, vendors lined up, and timeline of events coordinated. But Wedding season is certainly looking very different for many couples and vendors this year.
Not only has this pandemic caused a major interruption in couples’ plans to celebrate a major life event, but a financial disruption to the wedding and event industry. Now, thousands of weddings across the nation are put on hold amid the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic as couples are having to postpone their weddings for later this year or next.
major interruption in couples’ plans to celebrate a major life event, but a financial disruption to the wedding and event industry. Now, thousands of weddings across the nation are put on hold amid the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic as couples are having to postpone their weddings for later this year or next.
“This is certainly a challenging time for everyone and a very difficult time for small business owners, such as ourselves” states Roma Mangat, Owner-Operator of Bellingham Wedding & Event Rentals. “We are experiencing this kind of turmoil for the very first time, just as you are, and there are many uncertainties what this wedding season will look like this year.”
As most vendors are self-employed, businesses have little in the way of a safety net. Applying for the CARES Act isn’t a guaranteed loan to small businesses impacted by COVID-19. Trying to protect cashflow to some extent is extremely difficult when all weddings, events, festivals, and other gatherings are put on hold especially for seasonal service-providers who solely rely on the season to get through the remainder of the year.
Whatcom County is a beautiful place to live. Its summer wedding season is condensed into a few short months from May to September, when most local couples want to take advantage of the warm weather with outdoor weddings.
“Our business usually thrives during this time and carries us the rest of the year,” says Mangat. “In this uncertain time, with your continued support we can make it through. Before you cancel, please consider rescheduling instead.” With seasonal businesses, such as this party rental business, it puts a major financial strain as they navigate how to weather this unseen storm.
With nuptials now being postponed, Bellingham Wedding and Event Rentals is encouraging couples to reschedule, don’t cancel. “Your rental order and deposit can be applied to your rescheduled date for later this year or next, with no additional fees or costs with changing dates,” says Mangat.
The movement #RescheduleDontCancel is asking customers of many service-related businesses to help small business owners by rescheduling their service, rather than canceling altogether. Every one of us is dealing with financial hardships and the business will make arrangements on a case-by-case basis depending on your personal circumstances. If you are in a position to keep your rental order open, the business will honor deposits to any new rescheduled wedding date or as credit for any future events for later this year or in 2021.
“While changes are inevitable, we hope weddings will still take place this summer with various modifications,” Mangat says. “We are flexible. We are here to work with you. We want to ensure your big day is special and memorable. We hope there will be a stronger desire for people to celebrate love once we get through this.”
If you currently have a rental order booked with Bellingham Wedding and Event Rentals this year and may need, or want, to change your date, contact them. Advance communication or 15-20 business days notice is requested to reschedule orders and check availability. Get in touch and provide your new date for either later this year or next year in 2021.