Submitted by Village Books
Village Books is pleased to announce a new open book group, “Sharpen Your Saw: A Business Book Discussion Group.” This new group will meet the third Tuesday of each month from 11 a.m.-1 p.m, in the Readings Gallery of Village Books beginning in September. The discussion will be facilitated by Mike Cook, local business coach, faculty member at WWU, and author of the book “Thrive: Standing on Your Own Two Feet in a Borderless World.” Sharpen Your Saw Business Book Group is co-sponsored by the Bellingham Chamber of Commerce and Sustainable Connections.
The book group’s name is derived from Stephen Covey’s highly successful debut book “Seven Habits of Highly Effective People,” published in 1990, who called it “Sharpening the Saw.” The practice of renewal goes by many names but always makes the list of recommendations when the question about the habits of successful business owners and leaders comes up.
This book group is open to anyone interested in discussing business, regardless of what type of business or profession. The intention of the group is to help preserve and develop the mind, the most important asset of a business leader. Staying sharp is a continuous and intentional process, and this group will provide an alternative approach to “keeping your saw sharp” and being part of a continuous learning community in the process.
Book Fare Café on the mezzanine level of Village Books will be offering brown-box lunches for pre-order to anyone interested in having a lunch at the book discussion. Lunches will soon be available for ordering through the Village Books and Book Fare Café website here and at
Books are available for purchase at Village Books and are 15% off when you mention at the register that they are a “Sharpen Your Saw” book group selection. The schedule for Fall 2014 is:
- Sept. 16: “Give and Take: A Revolutionary Approach to Success” by Adam Grant
- Oct. 21: “Brick by Brick: How LEGO Rewrote the Rules of Innovation and Conquered the Global Toy Industry” by David Robertson and Bill Breen
- Nov. 18: “Humble Inquiry: The Gentle Art of Asking Instead of Telling” by Edgar H. Schein
For more information contact Village Books at 360-671-2626 or visit our website here.