Submitted by Whatcom Women in Business

Whatcom Women in Business is pleased to announce the recipients of our 2024-2025 Scholarships. Whatcom County residents Lucia Greenberg, Aman Grewal, and Adria Clines will each be receiving $3,000 scholarships towards their 2024-2025 academic year.

The Whatcom Women in Business scholarship program is open to women who are currently a Whatcom County resident and/or attending school in Whatcom County. The program is funded through proceeds raised by the organization’s Professional Women of the Year Awards banquet, in addition to donations from community members. You can learn more and donate directly to the scholarship program by visiting wwib.org/give.

Lucia Greenberg is a 2024 graduate of Sehome High School and plans to attend Northeastern University to study Psychology and Neuroscience.  Her goal is to become a childhood clinical psychologist. Lucia was the Team Captain of the Softball Team her senior year, served as manager for the Boys Basketball team, and participated in Crochet for the Community Club.  She has done extensive volunteering including for Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services: Teens Against Abuse, where she served as Outreach and Recruitment Chair, Animals as Natural Therapy, the City of Bellingham Parks Department, and Congregation Beth Israel where she serves as a Hebrew teaching assistant.   She has also worked as a Camp Counselor for Bellingham Sportsplex.

Lucia Greenberg. Photo courtesy WWiB

Arman Grewal graduated from Blaine High School in 2023 and also completed her associate in arts degree from Whatcom Community College in 2023.  She is currently attending Western Washington University where she is studying Biochemistry and plans to graduate in 2025. Arman is passionate about becoming a pharmacist and after graduating from WWU plans to attend Pharmacy School at the University of Washington.  Arman currently works as a pharmacy assistant where she is developing the skills and experience needed to prepare her for her chosen career.  In high school she participated in Tennis, National Honor Society, and volunteered at the Blaine Food Bank.  She currently volunteers at Gurdwara Dukh Navarin Sahib serving meals to the congregation and serves as a mentor for the younger generation. 

Arman Grewal. Photo courtesy WWiB

Adria Clines is a 2024 graduate of Sehome High School and plans to attend the Rochester Institute of Technology where she will study ASL-English Interpretation, French, and creative writing.  Her goal is to become a nationally certified interpreter and an author.  Adria has participated in both Running Start and College in the High School providing her with college credits towards her degree.  She has been active in several high school activities and clubs including ASB where she most recently served as Director of Communications, Yearbook where she served as Co-editor and Chief, and French Club and ASL Club serving as co-President in each. She also started the Sehome Poetry Club.  Adria has worked for the school district as a scorekeeper and referee.  In her limited spare time, she regularly supports her younger sister in her extracurricular activities which often involves providing transportation before and after school.

Adria Clines. Photo courtesy WWiB

For more information, please contact info@wwib.org.