Luke Galloway is the lead personal trainer at CorePhysio, an exceptional physical therapy clinic that’s passionate about supporting clients through their initial recovery, as well as preparing them for long-term success as healthy and active individuals. And that’s right where Galloway comes in. 

CorePhysio Lead Personal Trainer Luke Galloway. Photo courtesy CorePhysio.

Galloway is originally from Flagstaff, Arizona, the “Bellingham of Arizona.” Growing up, he was a phenomenal basketball player. Fascinated with the strength and conditioning field, he immersed himself in the Kinesiology program while training clients at Western Washington University’s Wade King Student Rec Center. He graduated in 2020, wrapping up his schooling with a bachelor’s in kinesiology, a minor in sports physiology and his ACE personal training certification, all within 3 years’ time. He recently became a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), the gold standard for strength coaches. 

All this to say: Galloway is good at what he does. And he’s found a perfect match at CorePhysio. 

Personal training with Galloway provides clients an empowered transition back into an active, strong, and healthy lifestyle, whether it is post-rehabilitation or performance training for athletes. 

Paula Mallahan notices increased strength since working with Galloway. Photo credit: Luke Galloway

Elizabeth Hampton, CorePhysio’s owner, explains that personal training is an important complement to physical therapy. “We have current clients who want personal training in conjunction with their PT. And when a client ‘graduates’ from PT, they can seamlessly transition to working with Luke in our personal training program.” 

Once injuries are healed and rehab goals are met, continued motivation and appropriate challenge is key to keep the gains earned from physical therapy treatment. Some clients are independently driven to build on their strength and fitness after discharge; however, research shows that many struggle with consistency and may slip into old habits. In addition to increasing the critical commitment to regular exercise sessions, personal training can help with injury prevention, strength, and flexibility. “He’s exceptional at designing innovative and challenging programs for clients from every generation, and he makes it fun,” Hampton says. “He’s the full package.” 

Galloway finds his work extremely meaningful and impactful. “The most rewarding aspect is seeing folks make exercise and movement a daily and weekly habit,” he says. “It becomes something they do to make themselves feel better, something that improves their quality of life, and gives them joy. I see positive impacts such as youth athletes who are quicker, more powerful and less susceptible to injuries. And my older clients can move with ease and care for their loved ones better than they would without our training.” 

Sheldrup’s increased agility will help him on the court. Photo credit: Luke Galloway

Judy Bayless, a 77-year-old personal training client of Galloway’s, says, “It’s been absolutely wonderful working with Luke. I wanted someone who could understand what was best for me and what was not. He is fabulous and knowledgeable. He knows when to push and when to ease up. He’s extremely supportive of my efforts and is my biggest cheerleader.”

Bayless has noticed significant positive change in her health and lifestyle since she began working with Galloway. “I’ve made tremendous progress. I feel much stronger and healthier, and my flexibility and mobility are better. I really look forward to my times with him.”

Protecting both client and employee health is top priority for CorePhysio throughout the pandemic. Bayless is currently seeing Galloway virtually via telehealth training, and it’s been a “great substitute,” though she’s excited to get to work with him in person again. 

Personal training is different at CorePhysio because of their healthcare-level adherence to best practices in safety measures, as well as their ready access to a physical therapist. “We COVID-screen everyone on site the same way, whether they are coming in for personal training or physical therapy,” says Hampton.  “As health care providers, we are absolutely stringent on infection prevention and hold both our clinical and personal training staff to the same CDC standards.” That eye for detail, as well as vaccinated staff and a limited number of clients onsite, are truly unique in a personal training setting. “Plus, if any of our personal training clients have a pain or concern, we provide a complementary physical therapy screen and make recommendations.”  

Paula Mallahan started working with Galloway to complement her physical therapy. Photo credit: Luke Galloway

Paula Mallahan is another of Galloway’s clients, who came to CorePhysio in 2018 after having a stroke. “I feel like I’ve really improved physically and mentally,” she says. “There’s a huge connection between feeling physically strong and your brain feeling strong, as well. The whole process with CorePhysio has been life-changing. They just care, in every sense of the word. I’ve never regretted a day going to physical therapy.” 

That doesn’t mean the process has been easy. Mallahan notes that working with Galloway has been the best kind of challenge. “He’s supportive and has great ideas. He will push, and when I take him up on his challenge, I always feel better.” 

Sixteen-year-old Henry Sheldrup is another of Galloway’s clients who notices a difference after working with him. Sheldrup attends Bellingham High School, where he plays basketball, tennis, and track. “I’ve already been able to put on weight with lifts in a week or two,” he says, as well as observing improved sports performance on the court and track. 

Sheldrup enjoys working with Galloway. “It’s been really helpful learning about form and different muscles,” he ways. “He’s encouraging and fun to work with.” 

Luke Galloway works with clients like Judy Bayless over Zoom. Photo credit: Luke Galloway

Galloway has fun himself when working with his clients and adapting to their different needs and goals. “To me, physical therapy and personal training are different sides of the same coin,” he says. “They are both about getting stronger, more fit, and healthier, as well as reducing chronic disease and other issues.” Clients love the healing momentum gained during PT, and commonly worry that life will get in the way and motivation could run dry.  Personal training at CorePhysio is the solution; Galloway fuels client commitment and enthusiasm to pursue impactful changes.  “Working out doesn’t need to become their life,” he says, “my job is to make sure training enhances the most meaningful parts of their lives outside of the gym.”

Known for their expertise in athletics, orthopedics and post-op rehab, the growth of personal training was a natural evolution over their 17 years in business.  CorePhysio’s beautiful new flagship building at 1825 Grant Street is tricked out with equipment that can provide the right challenge at the right time. In fact, Galloway notes they have all the equipment needed for a full sports performance training experience.  The spacious gym provides room for speed and agility training as well as Olympic lifting and plyometrics. When the weather is nice, the garage door is opened to expand the movement space to their outdoor patio, promoting further safety and social distancing in the fresh air.

Physical health and strength should be accessible to everyone, now more than ever. “Starting somewhere is better than staying where you are,” Galloway says. Together, CorePhysio’s physical therapy (PT) and personal training team work to provide their clients a guided journey toward building a robust foundation of health, fitness, and performance.


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