WhatcomTalk has always connected readers to local businesses and positive stories happening all around Whatcom County. We live here, too, and—like you—want to know what’s open and how we can to support our local businesses as they evolve and change during this unprecedented time.

Think of us as the new town crier.

We’re evolving our free event calendar to be a wider self-service community resource, providing a daily run-down of which local businesses are open, when, and how to purchase services and wares. Virtual events can be added, as well.

Whatcom County businesses and organizations: Tell us what’s going on. Please visit our Community Calendar and Information Hub and enter your information so our community members can find and support you.

  • Go to https://www.whatcomtalk.com/bellingham-events-calendar/, and then click the green “post your event” button
  • Try to fit the information about your open hours, services, or virtual event into the standard form as much as possible.
  • If there’s information you can’t convey on the form, make a note to our publisher in the ‘Description’ box — please always include which days and times you are open. We will review and post within 24 hours.
  • To ensure an accurate list of resources: Mark your own calendar to reach out once a week (submit@whatcomtalk.com) and just tell us that everything is still correct. If we don’t hear from you for 10 or more days, we may take down your information.
  • Leave as much detail as you like and feel free to include a photo.