Submitted by: Gallery Syre

Due to the recent COVID-19 emergency, Gallery Syre has decided to extend the deadline of its Youth Artist Open Call to May 15th, to encourage all students to engage with the theme and make art during their home-schooling period.

The annual Open Call of Art invites all students of Whatcom County, Grades 6-12, to submit an artwork inspired by the theme “Living without the Internet.” The theme is meant to challenge the student’s vision of what life would be like without the internet and the devices that provide access to it.

Gallery Syre is home to the permanent exhibition of local artist David Syre. Gallery Syre created this annual open call to give young artists the opportunity to exhibit in a real gallery environment. A jury of 5 people including David Syre’s art curator, Ana Palacio, will select 10 finalists from Grades 6-8 and 10 finalists from Grades 9-12. An official exhibition opening with all chosen works is planned for Saturday June 6th, 2020 from 3-5pm and run through July 11th, 2020. The date might be subject to change as the COVID-19 Emergency evolves.

Whatcom County resident students in Grades 6-12, who are enrolled in a public, private or parochial school/university or home study program, are invited to express their ideas and views in their preferred medium and to submit a two-dimensional work of art by May 15th, 2020, 11:59 pm. The work can be on any support but should not exceed 18 x 24 inches. With schools closed and limited access to art supply stores, students are encouraged to work with any materials. The jury will meet after the submission deadline and select 20 finalists. The works of these 20 young artists will be installed at the gallery as a professional art exhibition with printed invitation cards and an official opening on June 6th, 2020.

To apply, students should submit by May 15th, 2020 (final deadline) a completed application form together with an image of their work of art in JPG or PDF format to gallerysyre@gmail.com. Application forms can be requested at gallerysyre@gmail.com or on www.gallerysyre.com.

Featured painting by Jerusalem Sintayehu.