2016 Northwest Washington Fair Pleased by Success in Many Areas this Year


Submitted by Northwest Washington Fair

The 2016 Northwest Washington Fair concluded its six-day run in Lynden with positive news on all fronts, according to General Manager Jim Baron.

“It was a great week,” Baron said. “While the record-setting temperatures limited our ability to set any attendance records, we were very pleased with the outcome. Although slightly down compared to last year, the attendance of nearly 184,000 was well within the averages of the last few years. Other key indicators were also very positive with both carnival and food vendor revenues up over recent years.

Baron also was pleased by the response to the Northwest Washington Fair’s grandstand entertainment.

“Again, the demolition derby has proven to be a very popular opening program and the rodeo too has found its place during the Fair,” Baron said. “Good crowds turned out for all three musical acts with a complete sellout on Saturday night for Josh Turner.”

One of the new acts away from the grandstand also drew crowds.

“We knew the Wenatchee Youth Circus would be popular, but even they were impressed with the large number of people watching every show,” Baron said. “We hope it works with their schedule to return next year.”

Temperatures reaching the 90s posed additional challenges to ensuring the health and safety of everyone that attends the Fair, but Baron said reports were positive on that front as well.

“This year proved to be another year where, thanks to the efforts of our exhibitors and staff working with local law enforcement, emergency services and the Whatcom County Health Department, the Northwest Washington Fair again proved to be one of the safest places to spend your week,” Baron said.

“This is a great community and I so appreciate all the people that come together to make this a great event and all the people that live here and come to enjoy and support the Fair.”