Submitted by Fairhaven Association
Gather your chicks and join us on the Fairhaven Village Green Saturday, June 17th from noon to 4 p.m. The Chicken Festival is a whimsical afternoon of fun sure to please the entire family!
Live entertainment by the Bayou Opossums (Bayou Chickens for the day) & Friends of the Bellingham Circus Guild, village wide scavenger hunt , our chicken mascot will be roaming around for photo opportunities. We encourage you to dress up for the chicken calling contests open to all and meet our VIP “Batman” (very important poultry)…
The Fairhaven Association has free “seed corn” (aka popcorn) for all to enjoy.
Purchase a raffle ticket for the chance to win a unique chicken prize! Tickets are just $5 and the prizes include a rustic chicken painting and a restored chicken lamp.
Purchase your tickets at the festival or go to:
Thank you to our sponsors Scratch and Peck Feeds, Fairhaven Village Inn, City of Bellingham, Galloway’s Cocktail Bar & First Fed Bank.
For more information go to our website,, or follow us on social media @enjoyfairhaven on Facebook and Instagram.