Submitted by: Whatcom Community College

Whatcom Community College held its 24th annual Honors and Awards ceremony on June 6, recognizing more than 30 students for exemplary academic excellence and community service. Students were nominated throughout the year for the various awards by WCC faculty and staff. The top honors—the Laidlaw and President’s Award—went to Mason Green and Emmanuel Valencia, respectively (pictured left to right below with WCC President Kathi Hiyane-Brown).

Special Awards

Outstanding Service to Students Awards: Mohamed Sheikh-Aden

International Service Award: Taufek Adib-Thaqif

All-USA Academic Team Nominees: Alejandra Hobi, Rukhsar Sadat, Emmanuel Valencia & Elizabeth Sugarman

All-Washington Academic Team: Alejandra Hobi and Rukhsar Sadat

Transforming Lives Award: Steve Gnyp

Laidlaw Award: Mason Green

President’s Award: Emmanuel Valencia

Academic Excellence and Achievement Awards

Accounting: Kayla Wiest

Anthropology: Amber Owen

Biology: Benjamin Petropoulos

Chemical Dependency Professional: Lourdes V. Liera

Communication Studies: Dhiyaa Ramadhan

Computer Information Systems: Josephine Hollandbeck

Computer Science: Anna Thomas

Criminal Justice: Angela Cash

Early Childhood Education: Joey Standley

Engineering: Benjamin Shtunyuk

English Composition: Leslie Mendez

English Literature: Danielle Kennedy

English as a Second Language – Academic: Ariel Susanto

English as a Second Language, Transitional Learning: Victor C. Gutierrez

Film Studies: Kenny Mendez

Geography: Thi Le

Humanities/Interdisciplinary Studies: Violet Harris

Japanese: Mary Peters

Massage Therapy: Spencer Belsvik

Mathematics: Kelland Harrison

Student Math League Award: Shahrul Kamil Hassan

Medical Assisting: Katreyna Garrison

Medical Interpreting: Nicolas Linares

Music: Austin Smith

Nursing: Aaron Brandt

Parenting Education: Rachel Bjarnason

Philosophy: Ian Brewer

Physical Therapist Assistant: Erin Kimber

Physics: Jared Rapp

Political Science: Carolyn Stewart

Psychology: Benedict Yeoh

Sociology: Lukas Harrington

Visual Arts: Elyse Lynch

Visual Communications: Alejandra Hobi

Congratulations to all of this year’s honorees! More photos from the event are available on WCC’s Facebook page atwww.facebook.com/whatcomcc

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