714 Lakeway Dr
Bellingham, WA 98229

Kick off the New Year with purpose and join Women’s Professional Network for two very powerful events!
Event #1: WPN Networking Breakfast with Speaker Debrena Gandy
Jan. 25
7:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. at Four Points by Sheraton
$17 with RSVP $20 w/o RSVP
Awakening Your Mindset for Manifestation: Bring the Desires of Your Heart to Life in 2018!
You are a powerful creator and manifestor. You are already manifesting all over the place! But many of us are either manifesting what we don’t want or we’re only mildly aware of what principles are at play.
“Manifestress” Debrena Jackson Gandy will share how to more fully awaken your “Manifestation Powers.” She will be sharing Seven Truths of Manifestation for bringing the desires of your heart into reality in 2018.
Event #2: Workshop with Debrena Gandy following the WPN Mtg
Jan. 25, 2018
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. at Four Points by Sheraton
$79 Regular Rate/$69 WPN Member Rate
(Space Limited to 25 attendees. RSVP Today!)
Debrena will be offering a powerful workshop following the WPN meeting you won’t want to miss!
Ever wonder why some things “come to pass” in your life and others don’t – even though you were passionate about them and took what you thought was the right actions? In this two hour “Manifestation Intensive,” Manifestress Debrena Jackson Gandy will share five reasons why most of our heart’s desires get thwarted and how to put the Manifestation Process to work in your life, at work, in your business or in your love relationships. In addition, Debrena will share Three Manifestation Tools that will support you in converting your heart’s desires from concept or vision, into physical reality. Debrena draws on approaches to manifesting that honor the feminine spirit, energy and essence, and enable you to manifest with more joy, ease, peace and gracefulness.
RSVP for the WPN Meeting AND the Workshop today at www.wpnbellingham.org. RSVP Deadline: Monday, January 22.