1207 Ellsworth St
Bellingham, WA 98225
“Her music is spare, yet striking. Her voice is ripe, supple, strong and impossible to ignore.”
On Saturday, February 10, Laura Love brings her power-house voice and powerful presence to Bellingham after an absence of two decades. Love has played to rapt audiences around the globe and her recent return to the stage has been enthusiastically received from coast to coast. She felt “compelled to get back on the road, reach out to other human beings and spread kindness.” Love’s music is not only keen and kind, it energizes and empowers audiences in a way that is nothing short of unique.
Love’s music is wide-ranging and impossible to contain in any one genre. Acoustic Guitar Magazine writes: “…highly original style she calls Afro-Celtic: an improbable but irresistible hybrid of hip-grinding rhythms and folk melodies, electric funk bass and Appalachian-inflected vocals … It’s a new sound, for sure, but one that clearly shows its roots, making the band equally welcome in rock clubs and on bluegrass/Americana stages …”
Laura Love will be accompanied by master guitarist, Terry Hunt. The concert will take place at 1207 Ellsworth Street at the Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship at 8:00 p.m. on Saturday, February 10. The concert is sponsored by BUF’s Social and Environmental Justice Group.