Submitted by the Whatcom County Health Department

Last week, the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) began reporting on COVID case rates and COVID hospitalization rates among fully vaccinated residents versus unvaccinated residents. The unvaccinated group includes both people who had not received any dose of a COVID vaccine, as well as those who were not yet two weeks past their final vaccine dose.

Between February and June 2021, Whatcom County had 4,101 cases and 210 hospitalizations in residents 12 and older. This table shows how many were unvaccinated/not fully vaccinated compared to how many were fully vaccinated.

Feb – June 2021Unvaccinated/not fully
Fully vaccinated
Whatcom COVID cases3,987114
Whatcom COVID hospitalizations2055

We’ve converted these numbers into percentages of total cases and hospitalizations and combined them with the state percentages in the following bar chart. As you can see, the percentages are very similar.

August 3, 2021 bar chart of vaccinated vs unvaccinated percentages in COVID cases & hospitalizations

The message is clear: the COVID vaccines are very effective at preventing illness and hospitalizations. Please get vaccinated—and please help those around you get vaccinated. 

You can find a vaccine provider near you at VaccineLocator.doh.wa.gov. If you need help making an appointment or getting to your appointment, please call 360-778-6075.

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