Submitted by: Port of Bellingham

Under Whatcom Unified Command’s direction, the Economic Impact Task Force, led by Don Goldberg, has compiled five tools/resources for local businesses to utilize so that our team and partners can begin to assess the extent of the economic impacts stemming from the COVID-19 outbreak.

The first is a survey that was developed in partnership with the Whatcom Unified Command, the Regional Economic Partnership at the Port of Bellingham, Western Washington University’s Small Business Development Center (WWU SBDC), and the Bellingham Regional Chamber of Commerce. This survey will help our organizations understand the economic effects of COVID-19 on local businesses. If you own or operate a business in Whatcom County, please fill out this survey at your earliest convenience: https://form.responster.com/EsA58H

The second resource we wanted to direct your attention to is technical assistance from WWU’s SBDC: https://sbdc.wwu.edu/business-continuity-resources

An Estimated Disaster Economic Injury Worksheet for Businesses is attached.

The third resource allows you to register for business re-entry with Washington State: https://mil.wa.gov/business-re-entry-registration

The fourth resource is designed for companies that may have the capability to make donations or repurpose your facility or manufacturing equipment to produce Personal Protective Equipment and infection-control products, please contact the Department of Enterprise Services to discuss options: https://des.wa.gov/about/agency-overview/covid-19-information-%E2%80%93-des-guidance/personal-protective-equipment

Finally, please check Unified Command’s new website https://whatcomcovid.com for regular updates. There you’ll find a link to the Economic Impact Task Force’s Resource page.

Featured photo courtesy of the Port of Bellingham

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