Submitted by: City of Bellingham, written by Andrea Reiter

With Governor Inslee’s Stay Home, Stay Healthy proclamation to slow down the spread of COVID-19, the City has suspended all active City Public Works and Parks & Recreation Department capital projects until at least April 6. For more information on the suspension of capital projects, read the City’s March 27 press releaseAs always, please wash hands well, get the latest news about COVID-19 response from Whatcom Unified Command and travel with care.

Washington State Department of Transportation

In order to comply with the Governor’s Stay Home, Stay Healthy proclamation and ensure the safety and well-being of the people working on WSDOT construction projects and their families, WSDOT is temporarily suspending all construction projects to allow its contractors to work through shortages in Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and increased safety measures. Read the full statement here.

Whatcom County

For updates on County projects near Bellingham, visit http://www.co.whatcom.wa.us/308/Public-Works.

We provide this “road report” as a public service based on currently available information. When traveling through a construction area – whether walking, cycling or driving – please be patient, travel with care and always obey flaggers. In dark weather, please make sure you’re visible to others. Planned road closures and restrictions are necessary to allow for a variety of work including resurfacing, sidewalk construction, water and sewer main work, and utility cuts. Dates, times and work locations may vary, depending on inclement weather or last-minute changes in work schedules. Questions? Contact AskPW@cob.org.

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