Submitted by Whatcom Transportation Authority
Whatcom Transportation Authority is hosting a Kids Art Contest at the Bellingham Farmers Market, located at 1100 Railroad Avenue. The event will take place between 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, September 28 as part of the City of Bellingham’s ALL IN for Climate Action Week.
WTA will provide paper and markers to be used at the event. Kids will create their drawings while sitting on a WTA bus, parked at the Farmers Market. These drawings, along with others created by fourth graders throughout Whatcom County, will be considered by a team of judges in October. Judges will review the drawings anonymously and select approximately 60. The winning drawings will be scanned, enlarged, printed on vinyl, and permanently displayed on three WTA buses. These new Kids Art Buses will enter service in Summer of 2020.
The event is free and open to the public. Kids must be 10 or younger. Event details can be found on WTA’s website at .
Parents with questions can call (360) 788-9303 or email