John Michener, REP Program Manager at the Port of Bellingham, Joins Surrey Board of Trade Board of Directors


Submitted by: Port of Bellingham

The Port of Bellingham has been a member of the Surrey Board of Trade (SBOT) since 2014 with the intention of building cross border relationships. SBOT provides businesses and organizations with economic opportunity, workplace development and education, international trade, government advocacy, and business connections. The Board currently represents 6,000 members, over 60,000 employees, and 2700 businesses. Our Economic Development Program Manager, John Michener, was recently nominated and confirmed as a SBOT Board of Directors Honorary Director. This is the first time an American citizen has served on this powerful board in this capacity.

Join us in congratulating John on this awesome accomplishment on behalf of Whatcom County!

For additional information on the Board of Directors or SBOT please visit: