Submitted by: Andgar 

Finding a technician who will be working in your home can be tricky business. How do you choose? While a Google search will certainly return a variety of businesses, how do you know you can trust the results? When it comes to the company that is going to service your home HVAC unit, it’s important to hire quality. That’s why it’s important to choose a certified HVAC technician.

It Starts with Education

Anyone can hang up a shingle and call themselves experts. But there is a distinction between someone who says they are an expert and what they truly know.

A certified technician has attended hundreds of hours of coursework to become a master in all aspects of the trade. They have received a degree from a technical school, like Bellingham Technical College, which includes the necessary skills and understanding to be successful installing and troubleshooting heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration systems and their component parts. Investing in an education is a good sign a technician has a long-term commitment to upholding the highest industry standards.

As part of their training, certified HVAC technicians learn how to communicate with customers honestly and transparently. They know that you don’t understand industry jargon, so they don’t speak in code. You’re left with a clear understanding of what’s happening in your home—and how it’s going to be fixed.

Extensive Experience and Training

Once HVAC technicians have received certification via a degree, the learning doesn’t stop. After graduation, they continue their education and gain experience through on-the-job practical training and even apprenticeship programs to enhance their skills. Additionally, Andgar provides our certified techs weekly in-house training sessions so they are prepared to work with every kind of system on the market: old and new units, electric and gas furnaces, heat pumps, water heaters, and refrigeration, in addition to air conditioning. You would be hard pressed to stump a certified HVAC technician.

But it’s not all about fixing things.

Certified HVAC technicians are committed to helping your home’s HVAC unit work as efficiently as possible. The training they receive is about more than assessing and fixing issues with your system. They look at your home as a whole as well as at the different component parts to ensure you have the right system for your family’s lifestyle. And, ultimately, that means you save money.

Customer Service Is Key

Service techs with no training and whom you’ll never see again are less likely to be invested in you or your home, but your satisfaction is the standard a certified technician strives to meet. Andgar even assigns a specific certified technician to your home so they know your HVAC system inside and out, and can show up every six months to ensure your system is running right under our Peak Performance Plan.

The Certification Difference

You want to have people you can trust in your home and with your family’s comfort.

At Andgar, we only hire technicians with degrees and we’ve built a team that’s invested in providing the best customer service through exceptional knowledge and great communication. We understand that your home is your greatest investment and we want you to rest easy when you choose us. Contact us now to learn more and schedule your appointment.