Submitted by: PeaceHealth St. Joseph Medical Center

For the second year in a row, PeaceHealth St. Joseph Medical Center has received a Partners for Clean Air Silver award by the Northwest Clean Air Agency. The award recognizes businesses in Island, Skagit and Whatcom counties that demonstrate at least three years in a row of perfect compliance with air quality regulations. Of more than 400 businesses registered with the Northwest Clean Air Agency, St. Joseph is one of only 39 to earn the Silver award.

The medical center has closely monitored possible pollution from the hospital’s fuel-burning functions.

Additionally, the medical center switched from fluorescent fixtures and incandescent lighting to LED sources whenever possible and stationed duty engineers in outlying locations to limit travel and minimize environmental impact.

“This award is a public and official acknowledgement of the work that we do every day,” said PeaceHealth St. Joseph Facilities Manager Donald Johle. “We are very conscientious of our work for patient care, but we’re also deeply committed to responsible environmental stewardship.”