Janice White – Behind Barron Heating’s Interior Design Service



barron heating
Janice White brings a background in interior design to Barron Heating.

Janice White offers something at Barron Heating and Air Conditioning that no other employee does: a background in interior design.

After moving to the Pacific Northwest seven years ago, Janice turned her passion for interior design into a position at 23rd Street Interiors.

While there, Barron Heating became one of Janice’s customers, and a year later, she joined the Barron team, working in sales and as the company’s design expert.

Janice came on board just as Barron was moving from its original building on Meridian to a brand new facility on the Pacific Highway.

“The timing was perfect,” Janice says. “I did all the design work on the showrooms, and then began offering that service to our customers, as well.”

Janice’s strong eye for design is evident the moment you step into Barron’s beautiful Bellingham and Mount Vernon showrooms, which allow folks to walk around and see options in a warm, welcoming space.

“I make all the color choices, every fireplace design, the products, the accessories, the mantels,” she says. “I put all of that together.”

The feeling is one of walking into a finished home – many different homes, actually, with a variety of styles, colors, textures, and accessories – all highlighting the array of fireplace options sold by Barron.

The showroom is meant not only for customers to come in and look at the appliances – from fireplaces to free-standing stoves, wood and gas products – but also to function as an idea room, where they can visualize how something might look – and work – in their own home.

barron interior design
Seeing the finished project is always a fun moment – for the customer and for Janice.

“They can see the full gamut of what’s available,” says Janice, including fireplaces installed at floor level, in a raised hearth, or even in a picture frame look, mounted directly to a wall.

When Janice greets a Barron customer, she first asks what type of home they’re building and if they’ve decided on a particular theme or color scheme.

“When I ask those questions, I usually see the wife light up,” Janice says with a laugh. “She realizes that I get it; that I understand she has a concept or color scheme or theme – Craftsman, modern, whatever it is.”

For many Barron fireplace customers, the design process is straightforward – they might be simply changing out or adding some details to an existing fireplace surround.

Others are looking for guidance as they start from scratch, either with new construction or an existing home remodel. Janice is there to help.

She recently completed the re-facing of an existing fireplace in an Alabama Hill home.

“They had a bunch of built-ins that the wife just hated,” she says. “The husband wanted a TV, she wanted a fireplace.”

barron interior design
Contact Janice at at 360-676-1131 to schedule a consultation.

As she typically does, Janice made a home site visit and helped the couple come to a solution that would create the space they both dreamed of.

“We found a gorgeous linear fireplace that she loved and he got the TV he wanted. I stacked them and created a beautiful look with ledged stone that became the central focus point in the room.”

Seeing the finished project is always a fun moment – for the customer and for Janice. “I always ask them to send me pictures,” she says with a laugh.

Her position at Barron lets Janice do two things she loves most: working with people and feeling like she’s truly helped them.

“When you buy a fireplace for your home, it’s something you’re going to have for a long time,” she says. “I don’t want customers to feel pressured; I want to help them make this big decision.”

Janice happily sings the praises of her employer and is proud to work for the Barron team. “I love to talk about Barron Heating and what a great family-based company it is,” she says. “And no matter what you’re buying from us – a heating system, a fireplace, a hot tub, whatever – we want you to have a good experience and know that we care.”

“John’s longtime tagline is really true: We’re not comfortable until you are,” Janice says with a laugh.

You can reach Janice at 360-676-1131 or by learn more by visiting www.barronheating.com.